Civilization 6 steam workshop
Civilization 6 steam workshop

civilization 6 steam workshop civilization 6 steam workshop

Respond well to the challenges of a Dark Age, and your civilization can rise again into renewal with a Heroic Age.Įncourage the Loyalty of your citizens to keep your borders intact, or inspire Loyalty among other civilizations to expand your empire. Successful leadership of a civilization can send it into a prosperous Golden Age, but falling behind can usher in a Dark Age. Can you inspire the Loyalty of people around the world, or will you lose cities to your rivals? Will you establish a Golden Age for your civilization, or be mired in a Dark Age? In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, you truly become a leader for the ages. About This Content Civilization VI is a game about building an empire to stand the test of time, and the Rise and Fall expansion brings new choices, strategies, and challenges for players as they guide a civilization through the ages.

Civilization 6 steam workshop